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Mailing Bot For Students

Güncelleme tarihi: 21 Ağu 2022

When students are trying to mail the authorities about an issue or a problem, they could not mail at the same time and in a correct way. The aim of building this bot was to ease the process of mailing and reduce mistakes made by students. The first results were successful, our mail information such as subject, body paragraph or the title was coming from a website called "" which built by one of my friends. The bot automatically copies those information and then go to the mail page which is "" and pastes the login information which are the username and the password. Lastly, bot redirects the user to the new message page and pastes the mail information to the related boxes and sends the mail.

One of my friend suggested to build an user interface to our application and make the Python file executable. This suggestions were reasonable because when an application has an user interface it becomes easier to use.

My friend used PyQt library to build the interface and the result was:


A few days after building that bot I received an e-mail from the rectory, which says that the squirrel mail service will not be accessible after August 22th. My new mission is obvious, adapt the bot to the new mailing system accepted by my school.


I adapted my code to new mailing system which is "roundcube" and tested the bot. For now I only have the backend codes and I will design a proper interface for the bot

Here is my code:

Thanks For Reading :)

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